Friday, March 12, 2010

Natural Aging

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Although Aging is a lifelong process and involves your entire body, noticeable Aging can be reduced.
Natural Aging is of course what we all experience and there is no denying the inevitable but steps can be taken to significantly hold back the hand of time.
Aging Naturally without the use of gimmick products and costly surgery is the goal and in the process of taking measured steps along the way, the Aging process will slow, sometimes dramatically.
Here is a list of Do's and Don'ts that have had an impact on my life.
Give your body the right food.
Eat small portion meals of organic protein, organic green leafy vegetables, an occasional fruit, rice, fish, mixed nuts. Limit carbohydrates, pasta, dairy products and grain. Sugar, refined or natural should be very limited. No fried food what so ever! No boxed or processed foods which contain preservatives, dyes and other additives. No meat that contains hormones or that was genetically altered. No vegetables or fruit that were genetically altered or that pesticides or herbicides were used. No massed produced meat, no processed meat and no fish from fish farms.
Supplement with high quality Natural Supplements and Organic Herbal Products. This is a must, no matter how well you eat your not going to get all the nutrients your body demands in this fast paced world.
Drink as much pure spring water as your body can handle without bloating. Carry a bottle of water with you where ever you go.
Eating balanced small meals will allow your digestive system to work effectively and it stands to reason your body weight will respond in a positive manner.
Get your body moving.
Walking is the exercise of choice for most people and that is a good thing. The more you walk the more your entire body is gleaning the positive benefits. Heart health, emotional uplift, digestion, circulation and respiratory to mention a few.
Also exercise builds stronger bones, tones muscle and if done properly straightens skeletal structure.
When you become ill allow your auto immune system to respond, it was made to fight infection and disease. We have the tendency to run to the doctor at the first sign of sickness. Listen to your body you may just learn something.
It is vitally important to get a lot of Antioxidants into your bloodstream so your body has a fighting chance to fight back sickness.
Screening for diseases is a good thing although I have never been screened. If you feel that you are of a particular risk to a disease then go for it.
Get plenty of direct sunshine! Use herbal sunscreen only if you plan on long exposure. Sunshine is our best source for vitamin D and many naturalist believe there is healing power in sunlight.
Avoid using caustic hand and bath soaps containing alkaline etc. Buy a herbal soap and a herbal skin conditioner if you so desire. Wash your clothes in a mild non caustic detergent.
No Smoking! No Smoking! No Smoking! Drink Alcohol in strict moderation!
Stress destroys and kills.
Don't allow stress to overcome you. You are the master of your body so demand of it a stress free zone. Slow down, think through a situation before you react. Allow your temperament to adjust before you take action in a stressful situation. You can control stress, the alternative is that stress controls you and that really sucks.
Enjoy life to its fullest. Each day brings new hope, new passion, new life. Grab life by the horns and ride it for all it's worth. Be thankful for what God has given you and what will be given you.
Learn something new everyday. I love to learn, read, write, think, ponder, plan, dream, remember and pray.
Laugh until you cry!!! It is a scientific fact that laughter is good for you in many diverse ways. So find something to laugh about and go to it!
If you have a great marriage you are one lucky person for it is proven that people who have a happy relationship with their spouse are more likely to live longer and will be healthier along the way.
Family and friends have a positive role in maintaining a positive attitude, particularly as we grow older. Hold fast to your loved ones.
Go to bed with a calmed soul not fearing anything not worrying about what tomorrow will bring. Get at least 9 hrs of sound sleep. That sounds like a lot but consider that sleep has healing attributes and can appreciably slow down Aging.
Have Faith in your Faith that everything that happens is for your good. Faith is a strong motivator and a immeasurable comforter. We are only on this planet for a very short time regardless how fast or slow we Age so why not enjoy life and don't obsess with how you look, just do the best you can and enjoy the ride.

About the Author

Gary Kenneth Archer is a natural health advocate, internet marketer, web designer,webmaster,author and frequent contributer to:
Natural Supplements

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